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15 Menu Items to Avoid Ordering at a Steakhouse

A trip to a steakhouse is often a special occasion, a chance to savour the rich flavours of a perfectly cooked steak and enjoy the ambiance of a fine dining experience. While the menu may offer various tempting options, it’s important to choose wisely to ensure a satisfying meal. To help you make informed decisions during your next steakhouse visit, we’ve compiled a list of 15 menu items to avoid ordering. Whether dining at a local favourite or a renowned steakhouse, these tips will help you make the most of your meal.

Make the Most of Your Dining Experience by Avoiding These Menu Items

Discover which menu items to avoid ordering at the best steakhouse in Calgary, a place renowned for its expertise in preparing premium steaks. From steak sauces to well-done Wagyu, these tips will help you make the most of your dining experience and indulge in the best the steakhouse offers.

1.    Any Steak Covered in Steak Sauce

Ordering a steak doused in sauce can signal that the meat lacks natural flavour and quality. A premium steak should shine on its own, showcasing its unique taste and texture without the need for heavy sauces. By opting for a cut that doesn’t rely on excessive sauce, diners can fully appreciate the beef’s intrinsic qualities and savour an authentic steakhouse experience.

2.    A Well-Done Wagyu Steak

Wagyu steak is renowned for its luxurious marbling and exceptional tenderness. Ordering wagyu steak well done risks diminishing its rich flavours and exquisite texture, as much of the prized fat content is lost through rendering. To fully enjoy the indulgence of Wagyu, it’s best savoured rare or medium-rare, allowing the fat to melt into the meat and deliver a truly decadent dining experience.

3.    Blooming Onion

While tempting, indulging in a blooming onion can affect your dining experience. This calorie and fat-laden appetizer, typically deep-fried to crispy perfection, can overshadow the flavours of your main course. The richness and heaviness of such a starter can leave you feeling overly full before your main course even arrives, potentially compromising your enjoyment of the show’s star – your steak.

Moreover, a blooming onion’s calorie and fat content can significantly contribute to your daily intake, leading to discomfort and sluggishness. By choosing a lighter starter, you not only ensure that you leave room for your main course but also take a step towards a healthier dining experience. This empowers you to enjoy the flavours of your steak without feeling weighed down by excessive fried fare.

4.    Grilled Fish

While some steakhouses offer fish options, their specialization often lies in preparing succulent steaks rather than seafood dishes. This is why opting for grilled fish might not always meet the high standards set by their signature meat offerings. For a superior seafood experience, consider dining at a specialized seafood restaurant focusing on fresh and expertly prepared fish dishes.

5.    The Special

While the daily special can pique curiosity, it may contain ingredients that the restaurant needs to utilize quickly, potentially resulting in a dish that needs freshness or flavour. Choosing from the regular menu, where dishes are prepared using high-quality, fresh ingredients, ensures a consistently excellent dining experience. By sticking to trusted favourites, you guarantee a meal that meets the steakhouse’s standards for taste and quality.

6.    Tenderloin

While tenderloin is often praised for its tenderness, its leanness can sometimes result in a lack of depth in flavour compared to fattier cuts. Exploring alternative cuts, such as ribeye or New York strip, can provide a more flavorful and satisfying meal. Opting for cuts with more marbling enhances your dining experience, allowing you to indulge in a richer and more succulent selection of steaks.

7.    Raw Oysters

While raw oysters can be a delicacy, it’s important to note that they can also pose a risk of foodborne illness, especially if they are not properly handled or stored. Oysters are filter feeders, which can accumulate bacteria and contaminants from their environment. However, by ensuring that you consume oysters that have been properly handled, stored, and prepared, you can significantly reduce the risk of illness, allowing you to enjoy this delicacy with peace of mind.

If you’re craving oysters, consider dining at a seafood restaurant or oyster bar specializing in handling and serving raw seafood. These establishments often have strict protocols to ensure their oysters’ freshness and safety. Additionally, you can ask the staff about their sourcing practices and how they handle and store their oysters to decide whether to order them. This reassures you about the safety of your dining choice.

8.    Fried Chicken

While fried chicken can offer comfort and satisfaction, it may not reach the quality standards that steakhouses uphold, with their specialized focus on premium meat dishes. The chefs at these establishments often excel in grilling or roasting meats, honing their skills to perfection in these areas. Frying chicken, on the other hand, requires specific techniques to ensure that it is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Steakhouse kitchens may have different expertise or equipment for frying chicken compared to a restaurant dedicated to this dish. When dining at a steakhouse, it’s an opportunity to indulge in their specialty cuts of steak and other high-quality meat dishes. Opting for fried chicken may limit your experience and prevent you from trying their signature dishes. If you’re craving fried chicken, visiting a restaurant specializing in this dish is best. These restaurants will likely have various fried chicken options, such as different seasonings, coatings, and sides, to satisfy your craving and provide a more enjoyable dining experience.

9.    Filet Mignon

When considering your order at a steakhouse, it’s wise to steer clear of filet mignon despite its reputation for tenderness. At the same time, this cut is known for its tenderness, as this prized cut may lack the succulence and bold taste found in cuts with higher marbling grades. Instead, venturing into richer cuts such as rib-eye presents a luxurious and deeply gratifying steak experience. Opting for these cuts that perfectly balance fat content and flavour elevates your dining affair, allowing you to delight in a more indulgent selection that satisfies your steak cravings.

10.  The Entrée Salad

While salads can be a healthy and refreshing option, some entrée salads at steakhouses can be just as heavy and calorie-laden as the steaks themselves. Salads with fried chicken, creamy dressings, and high-calorie toppings can be surprisingly unhealthy. If you’re looking for a lighter option, consider choosing a salad with grilled chicken, a vinaigrette dressing, and plenty of vegetables for a healthier meal.

By avoiding these menu items, you can enhance your steakhouse experience. You’ll be able to fully appreciate the best cuts of meat and the unique flavours these establishments offer.

11. Burgers

While burgers are popular, they often don’t reflect the culinary excellence and premium ingredients that define a steakhouse. Steakhouse menus feature top-quality beef cuts prepared with precision to deliver unparalleled tenderness, flavour, and juiciness, elements that burgers may lack. The burger offerings at steakhouse restaurants might not use the same high-grade meat as their renowned steaks since the focus is primarily on sourcing and presenting exceptional beef cuts. Additionally, steakhouses excel in perfecting steak cooking techniques with specialized equipment, while burgers require a different preparation approach that may not receive the same attention. Lastly, steakhouse burgers usually come at a higher price than burger-specific eateries, potentially not aligning the cost with the expected quality and flavour of the restaurant’s prime steaks.

12. Certain White Wines

While white wine can be a refreshing choice, it may not be the best pairing for steak. Beef pairs best with bold, full-bodied red wines that complement its rich flavours. Light, crisp white wines may not have enough depth to stand up to the bold flavours of steak and can result in a less enjoyable dining experience. If you prefer white wine, consider opting for a full-bodied variety that can complement the flavours of your steak.

13.  The Bread Bowl

While bread bowls can be a comforting and satisfying appetizer, they can also be unnecessary and filling. Bread bowls are often served before the main course, filling you up before the steak. Additionally, bread bowls can be high in calories and carbohydrates, making them a less healthy choice than other appetizers. If you’re trying to save room for your steak, consider skipping the bread bowl and opting for a lighter appetizer.

14. Cream-Based Soups

Due to their high calorie and fat content, it is recommended to forgo cream-based soups as a starter at a steakhouse despite their rich and comforting appeal. While these soups can be delightful additions to a meal, there might be more suitable choices in a steakhouse setting. Starting with a heavy cream-based soup could leave you feeling full quickly, overshadowing the flavours of your main dish and limiting your enjoyment of the premium steak, which may not preserve well as leftovers. Opting for a lighter soup alternative, such as a broth-based or vegetable option, ensures you can fully savour the highlight of your meal without feeling overly satiated beforehand.

15. Cocktail With High Sugar Content

While a cocktail can be a delightful start to your meal, choosing one with high sugar content can impact your overall dining experience. Cocktails loaded with sugar can dull your palate, making it harder to appreciate your steak’s nuanced flavours fully. Also, high-sugar cocktails can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, potentially leaving you less satisfied with your meal. Opting for a cocktail with moderate or low sugar content allows you to enjoy a refreshing drink without overpowering the flavours of your steak.

Indulge in These Steakhouse Classics for a Truly Memorable Dining Experience

For an unforgettable dining experience at the best steakhouse in Calgary, consider selecting these delicious alternatives:

Make Your Reservation Today for an Unforgettable Steakhouse Experience!

By avoiding menu items like well-done steaks, fried chicken, and blooming onions, diners can maximize their steakhouse experience and enjoy the best flavours these establishments offer. So next time you find yourself at a steakhouse, choose wisely and savour every bite. Opt for classics like aged ribeye steak, New York strip steak, or porterhouse steak to relish the exceptional quality and taste this steakhouse is renowned for. Pair your meal with classic sides like creamed spinach or a baked potato, complemented by a glass of full-bodied red wine for the perfect steakhouse feast. Make your reservation today and treat yourself to an unforgettable culinary journey at the best steakhouse in Calgary.


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