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Foods That Help Our Brain Study

When we think about our brain, its capacities, and daily activities, one thing becomes instantly clear. Our brain is responsible for everything we do, say, think, or achieve during the day. And, if you’re a student or someone who has a lot of studying and learning to do, your brain deserves special attention. To make sure it’s working properly and nothing is holding it back, you need to feed it right.

Yes, you heard us! Your brain needs proper food to be able to maintain focus, memorize, soak the information in, and retain them for good. Below, we’ve created a list of the best foods that help our brain study. Let’s take a look.

Leafy Greens

If you’re not a fan of leafy greens, you should consider giving them another chance. With the power they have over brain activity, they deserve a spot in your regular diet.

Spinach, kale, broccoli, collards, Swiss chard- you make the pick. They’re all rich in vitamin K, antioxidants, and folate. They reduce cognitive decline, protect your brain cells, and improve brain activity.

Dark Chocolate

After all the greens, you deserve something we know you’ll love. Dark chocolate is a great snack choice for when you’re studying since it also belongs to the great brain foods domain.

Not only will it improve your mood and motivate you to study, but the iron found in it will also protect your neurons. Rich in antioxidants, it’s great for reducing inflammation and stress.

Fatty Fish

Omega-three fatty acids that are found in fatty fish are the number one reason why they’re so good for our brains. These fats are crucial for building brain cells and neurons. They’re essential for proper memory, learning, and focus.

Try eating more fatty fish such as:

Your brain will thank you!


If you’re not a huge fan of fish, you can still satisfy your brain’s need for omega-three fatty acids by eating enough walnuts. They’re also rich in protein.

By eating walnuts, you’ll be improving brain cell structure, communication between neurons, and cleaning your arteries. As a result, your brain will be able to function freely and at its full capacity. Whether you’re studying for an exam or writing a complex research paper, prepare some walnuts as a healthy snack. You can find online research papers help in case you need more than a healthy snack to meet a deadline.


When we’re talking about brain food for studying, spices need to be on our list as well. The number one spice to support brain activity is turmeric.

Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin, which is responsible for improving brain health. Curcumin has the following benefits:

This means that adding some turmeric to your diet will make you feel better, think clearer, and study faster. A popular way of consuming it is by adding it to your morning lemonade and drinking it on an empty stomach.


Blueberries are truly powerful and one of the best foods you can eat today. Their main benefit is having strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This is thanks to anthocyanins, a flavonoid with a strong plant pigment responsible for the purple color of red cabbage, cherries, grapes, red onions, and more.

A 2021 study showed that people consuming foods rich in flavonoids can have up to 20% lower risk of cognitive decline.

Eating blueberries as a snack or adding them to your breakfast mix can have significant positive effects on your brain health. It’ll help you learn and memorize better while also nourishing your brain for the long run. It reduces cognitive decline and is believed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Final Thoughts

Feeding our brain the right foods isn’t that hard after all. All you needed were the facts and now that you have them, start providing your brain with the necessary nutrients. Make sure you mix it up and give your brain a variety of nutrients every day.,

As a result, you’ll be more focused, alert, and successful the next time you study. You’ll invest little effort, but it’ll pay off big time. 

Guest author’s Bio

Joanne Elliott is a food blogger and a healthy lifestyle advocate. She loves to point out the importance of a proper diet for our overall well-being. She shares food facts, nutrition tips, and cooking trips that are simple to apply.

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