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Titanic’s Pink Wine Jelly

Middle-class passengers in 2nd class on Titanic were treated to dishes which they had never experienced before.  For the dessert course, wine jelly was served.  We now serve it alongside cheese as a spread, but it is delicious and refreshing on its own.


Titanic's Pink Wine Jelly

Middle class passengers in 2nd class on Titanic were served wine jelly as part of the dessert course,. We now serve it alongside cheese as a spread, but it is delicious and refreshing on its own.
Course Dessert, Side Dish
Cuisine Victorian
Keyword Downton Abbey Recipes, Titanic
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Servings 8 servings


  • 1 bottle pink zinfandel wine
  • 3 envelopes powdered gelatin
  • 1/4 cup of sugar or sugar substitute like stevia


  • Pour about 1 cup of the wine into a small saucepan, add the sugar and 3 envelopes of gelatin. Stir over low heat to dissolve sugar and gelatin.
  • Once this has been dissolved, add the remaining wine to it and stir until fully combined.
  • Pour into a lightly oiled 8 inch by 8-inch pan and refrigerate until set. or if using as a spread pour into a decorative clear jar.
  • Slide a knife around the edges of the pan, dip the bottom the pan into hot water and then invert, hopefully the wine jelly will release; cut into very small cubes. If it doesn’t release cleanly, fret not, I actually tore mine to resemble gemstones and I thought it looked lovely.
  • Serve the jewels in dessert glasses as its own dessert or amuse-bouche between courses.


The jelly keeps well in the fridge for a few weeks, sealed with plastic wrap. 

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