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The Ultimate Guide to Write Food Blog Posts

If you are considering starting a food blog, you’d be more than willing to see any information related to the topic that can help you succeed. So, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with an Ultimate Guide that lists all the significant factors to consider when crafting your magnificent content.

Creating a food blog can be challenging. Food blogging might be somewhat subjective, and you might not always be able to provide the utmost information on everything there is to say. Also, if you are posting recipes, some readers will like them, some won’t, but that will be because people have different tastes.

According to statistics gathered in 2021, WordPress powered, at that time, around 75 million blogs all over the world. Some popular food blog examples were The Recipe Critic, The Kitchn, Eater, Food&Wine, etc. At the same time, as Janis von Bleichers puts it on, ‘Joy in cooking (or maybe just eating) is an important factor in launching a food blog, especially since any lack of it will become clear fast. However, there are also more practical (monetary) reasons: Food blogging isn’t just a fun hobby, but also one of, if not the most profitable type of blogging.’ So, how to make your blog stand out?

Become a Food Blogger with Some Easy Steps

For starters, you’d need to consider the host and the website when creating a food blog. You might be able to do it with a ready-made template, which is one of the best choices if you’re just getting started. If you plan to make it professional, you might wish to contact a website creator who will give you the best results. The optimal creation of top-notch sites you can see on essay service websites. Those are places where people can connect to professional writers to help them complete their projects promptly and with higher quality.

But for now, we’d focus only on the writing side. When writing a food blog, there is a variety of articles you can write. Such as:

So, as you can see, there is much to do with a food blog. Thus, you might decide to do it all or to sub-specialize. Whichever you pick, don’t forget that there is no single audience. What do we mean by that?

Every member of our audience is an individual with their own preferences. No single piece of writing, or of whatever, for those matters, will appeal to everybody. And that is fine. You also don’t dwell on a couple of negative reviews.

It’s essential to know your general audience. Are you targeting middle-aged women who are stay-at-home moms and are looking to try a new recipe? Is your audience primarily consisting of college students looking for a cheap place for take-out? Or are you targeting travellers and tourists who wish to have a chance to try a different cuisine?

You cannot appeal to all those audiences at once, especially if you are working alone. If you have a team of writers, they can subspecialize and target one or more of the audiences so that you can have a broader reach.

Remember, when you are writing a piece for your blog, there are some valuable tips. Those include many aspects of the writing journey, and we’ll list them in a few seconds. But first, we’d like to give you general advice – and that is, write, write, write, and then write some more. Getting good at writing consists of, yes, you got it, writing, constant editing, and improvement.

Food Blogging Tips

  1. Get to know your audience.

When you have a general audience in mind, get to know their preferences. The methods of communication and way of phrasing things that they prefer. This is going to put you in a much better spot.

  1. Write with your Ideal Reader in mind.

Lots of the greatest writers out there, no matter their sphere of writing, do their work with a specific Ideal Reader in their mind. This can be someone you know or just a general imaginary person who you think embodies the characteristics of your audience. Will that person like what you’ve written?

  1. Don’t write too short articles.

Too short articles don’t classify so high on Google (and other search engines) search results. Usually, what is considered too low is about 300 words. In general, try to keep the articles at least 800 words long.

  1. Don’t go overboard.

But don’t go in the other direction and write a 3000-word review of your recent trip to a generic restaurant. This is going to exhaust some readers and bore others. Keep it up to 2,000 words unless you have a specific story to tell.

  1. Post pictures

Blogs with pictures (and articles with pictures, for what matters) are better received by the audience. Keep in mind – the photos need to be either yours, with free royalties, or you need to mention where you’ve got them, and sometimes you’d need to contact the owner of the photo.

In addition, employing effective photo editing techniques can enhance the visual appeal and overall quality of your images, further engaging your audience and conveying your message with greater impact.

Keep in mind – the photos need to be either yours, with free royalties, or you need to mention where you’ve got them, and sometimes you’d need to contact the owner of the photo.

  1. Avoid plagiarism at all costs.

Plagiarism is dangerous at all levels. It lowers the position of your website on the search engines’ results. It comes with the danger of a lawsuit. It can ruin your reputation. To make sure you don’t accidentally write something in a similar manner to whatever published material there is, do a plagiarism check with some of the resources out there.

  1. Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes.

This can be simply done through some of the free websites out there. Some of them also have paid versions, which can offer you even more solutions to better your writing.

  1. Remember the keywords.

The keywords are what readers who don’t know your blog will be searching for and what will make your blog posts appear on their search engine results. Thus, if you don’t do SEO research prior, try to consider what the general audience might search for and then include it several times throughout your article.

  1. SEO on-page and off-page optimization.

This is a specific type of service offered by specialists that can better your blog’s position on the search engines’ results list.

  1. Always edit.

While you are writing, your flow of thought is carrying you with it and you know what you mean, why you say certain things, etc. Later, you might catch some places that need improvement for coherency or better understanding. Thus, don’t forget the editing part of it all.


Of course, writing cannot be simplified to some tips, general advice, and statistics or facts. It requires you to constantly evolve and develop, to adapt, to overcome, to learn from your mistakes, and to do better with every single step. But you can certainly manage it, and we tried to give you some of the know-how and general information on how to start your own food blog.

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