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Boozy Hot Guy Fawkes Punch

Guy Fawkes Day, aka Bonfire Night, is celebrated across the United Kingdom marking the failed attempt of Guy Fawkes to blow up the English Parliament on November 5, 1605. Bonfires were set alight on that night when the plot was revealed, celebrating the safety of King James I and the tradition have continued. For four hundred years, the anniversary is commemorated fireworks and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes on huge bonfires, and of course lots of warming foods and drinks.


Boozy Hot Guy Fawkes Punch

On November 5 Brits burn effigies of Guy Fawkes around huge bonfires with warming drinks like this punch.
Course Drinks
Cuisine Edwardian, English
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 10 servings


  • 2 tbsp. brandy
  • 15 ounces canned apricots sliced with liquid
  • 4 cups red wine
  • 3 tbsp. port
  • 2 tbsp. dry sherry
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 large cinnamon stick
  • 12 whole cloves


  • Mix together brandy, sliced apricots and apricot liquid.
  • In a saucepan, heat the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Add brandy and fruit mixture and serve steaming hot in mugs.
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