I am available for interviews to help add content to your Downton Abbey, Afternoon Tea or other English cuisine stories.
Contact me, Pamela Foster, at [email protected]. I have review copies of my book at the ready to share. I live in the EST time zone and will do my best to respond within a few hours to your requests.
Featured in
- October 3, 2015: Afternoon Tea at What’s Cooking Bracebridge
- Dec. 24, 2013: CBC’s The Current on the Great Fruitcake Debate
- May 11, 2013: Downton Abbey Day at William Ashley in Toronto, Ontario. Video News Clip.
- Feb. 14, 2013: CTV CanadaAM: Valentine-themed afternoon tea party
- Jan. 31, 2013: 12 city marathon morning show interviews on CBC Radio, including:
- Cape Breton Information Morning Show Click to Listen
- Vancouver Early Edition Click to Listen
- Jan. 30, 2013: Radio interview with Wei Chan on CBC Ontario Morning Click to Listen
- Jan. 30, 2013: Radio interview on HearSay with Cathy Lewis on WHRV-FM, NPR Radio Click to Listen
Profiles in Print:
- Successful Meetings Magazine: High Tea at Meetings
- Being Geek Chic: Lady Geek of the Week: Pamela Foster
- CBC: Downton Abbey Returns: The Enduring Charm of Lavish Living
- Miami Herald: Downton Abbey Dish: Food has a Starring Role in Hit PBS Show
- Ohio.com: Dine like Lord and Lady Grantham at your own Downton Abbey
- CBC: The Great Fruitcake Debate
- Mail Online (UK): It’s Downtonmania! Tonight, the nation gets back into the Abbey habit.
- NewsLifeMedia (Australia): The Secrets of the Downton Abbey Kitchen
- The Globe and Mail: TV Viewing Parties are the new Girls Night in
- Global Post (AFP): Downton Abbey Fan Creates Show Inspired Cookbook
- Washington Post: On Downton Abbey, Aspic Matters
- Business Insider: Get Ready For The ‘Downton Abbey’ Cookbook
- Boston Globe: The Food on Downton Abbey is Real and Looks Good, but it’s a Prop
- Dawn: Downton Abbey Fan Creates Show Inspired Cookbook
- Refinery29: Now You Can Get Your Mrs Patmore On With This Downton Abbey Cookbook
- CBS: What to Make for your Downton Abbey Finale Party
- CBS: Eat Like You’re A Crawley – The Food of ‘Downton Abbey’
- Zoomer Magazine: It would be a shame to miss such a good pudding
- Seattle Times: Host a ‘Downton Abbey’ Feast with these Recipes
- Pittsburg Gazette: Savor delicious food before you watch ‘Downton Abbey’
- The News Tribune: Sizzle and Steam ‘Downton Abbey’ Style
- The Canadian Press: Great food has a history: Culinary historian blogs on “Downton Abbey” food – By Lois Abraham
- CBC: Downton Abbey fan creates cookbook from on-screen food
- Lethbridge Herald (my hometown): City Native Creates Cookbook Based on Downton Abbey
- Toronto Star: Downton Abbey: Toronto culinary historian blogs show’s food
- Montreal Gazette: Add English tradition to your own Abbey with recipes inspired by TV drama
- Ottawa Citizen: Great food has a history: Culinary historian blogs on ‘Downton Abbey’ food
- Winnipeg Free Press: Add English Tradition to your own Abbey with Recipes Inspired by TV drama
- The News Tribune: Sizzle and Steam Downton Abbey Style
- Buzz Feed Food: How To Throw A Historically Accurate Downton Abbey Dinner Party
- Gilmore Dispatch: The Seasonal Flavours of Downton Abbey
- Healthy Castle: Healthy Downton Abbey Menu for you Finale Viewing Party
- Houston Culture Map: Simply Splendid! Host the Definitive Downton Abbey Watch Party with this Easy Guide
- Denver Post: Host a “Downton Abbey” Party with these Edwardian-style Recipes
- Salsbury Post: Have your Own Downtonesque Feast
- Idaho Statesmen: “Downton Abbey” has Revived an American Interest in Early 1900s British Cuisine
- Salt Lake Tribune: Dishing up the flavors of ‘Downton Abbey’
- CBC Hamilton: Downton Abbey fan creates cookbook from on-screen food
- Vermont Public Television: interview with VPT and my involvement with their big Season 3 launch weekend, outlined below.
- We Women Magazine: Downton Abbey Cooks: Take over Mrs. Patmore’s Kitchen
- Jungle Red Writers: Inside the Downton Kitchen.

- February 2019: Brain Injury Society of Toronto Afternoon Tea fundraiser, The Old Mill, Toronto
- May 2018: Easter Seals Mom’s Weekend, London, Ontario
- June 2016: Afternoon Tea, Lyndhurst Hospital in Toronto
- October 10, 2015: Jessica Fellowes was in town. I made a wee cameo on stage at her show.
- Oct. 3, 2015: Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea as part of What’s Cooking Bracebridge
- Oct. 4/5, 2014: Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea as part of What’s Cooking Bracebridge.
- Jan. 28, 2014: Celebrity judge at Soupfest 12 in Hamilton.
- Dec. 24, 2014: CBC’s The Current on Fruitcake
- May 12, 2013: Mother’s Day Tea at the Ireland House in Burlington, Ontario.
- May 11, 2013: Downton Abbey Day at William Ashley in Toronto, Ontario. Video News Clip.
- March 6, 2013: Relish Cooking Studio in Waterloo, ON. We cooked up a great Downton Dinner for a great group.
My National TV Debut on CanadaAMFeb. 14, 2013: CTV CanadaAM: Valentine-themed afternoon tea party
- Jan. 31, 2013: 12 city marathon morning show interviews on CBC Radio, including
- Cape Breton Information Morning Show Click to Listen
- Vancouver Early Edition Click to Listen
Jan. 30, 2013: Radio interview with Matt Galloway on CBC Metro Morning Click to Listen
- Jan. 30, 2013: Radio interview with Wei Chan on CBC Ontario Morning Click to Listen
- Jan. 30, 2013: Radio interview on HearSay with Cathy Lewis on WHRV-FM, NPR Radio Click to Listen
- Jan. 22, 2013: AGA Cooker/Reader’s Digest Robert Burns Supper in Toronto
Deborah Brewster & I covet the AGA Cooker (Reader’s Digest) I had a blast joining Reader’s Digest Open Kitchen to cook Scottish dishes with other food writers on the iconic AGA Cookers. A Swiss invention, AGA Cookers were first introduced to the UK market in the late 1920s, installed in many country houses across Great Britain. They are now proudly owned by both celebrities and foodies around the world.
Follow the link for some great Scottish recipes: chicken balmoral, bonnie cranachan, and my never fail shortbread (except when you forget to watch the oven), cullen skink, neeps & tatties.
- January 5, 6th, 2013: Experience Inspired by Downton Abbey (Season 3 Launch Weekend)
Great Food Has a History Vermont Public Television really knows how to throw a great party. Held at the beautiful Essex Resort in Burlington Vermont, a crowd of 400 devoted fans gathered for a weekend of culinary delights. There were costume awards and a screening of S3E1 in a large theatre on Saturday afternoon. There were lectures on fashion, etiquette. I spoke about the food in this period in history and how it connects to the show.
- Southern California Public Radio (SCPR): Radio Interview on a series titled Weekend Alibi: (click to listen) What to Serve at your Downton Abbey Finale
Vision TV: S1-3 Weekly Downton Dish Column
- Introduction: Combining Fine Food with Delicious Drama
- S1E1: New Beginnings
- S1E2: Tea Manners Matter
- S1E3: Fox Trot
- S1E4: All’s Fair in Love and the Great Matter
- S1E5: Life is Not a Bed of Roses
- S1E6: Suffering Suffragettes
- S1E7: The Garden Party
- S2E1&2: Downton at War
- S2E3: Downton Reborn
- S2E4: War House
- S2E5: Downton Distressed
- S2E6: The Canadian Patient
- S2E7: The Spanish Invasion
- S2 Christmas Episode: Life is a Game
- S3E1&2: A Long and Winding Road
- S3E3: The Sinking of Lady Edith
- S3E4: Burnt Offerings
- S3E5: Kitchen and other Nightmares
- S3E6: Life is for the Living
- S3E7: The End is Near