Eve's Pudding, also known as "Mother Eve's pudding" is a traditional British pudding. Named after the biblical Eve it uses apples, the forbidden fruit, as the base. The first known recipe is from 1824. This is a very simple traditional apple recipe, comforting in the … [Read more...] about Traditional and Comforting Eve’s Pudding
Christmas Desserts
Traditional Scottish Whiskey Fruit Tart: A Festive Highland Dessert
Looking to bring a touch of Scottish elegance to your holiday table? This traditional Scottish whiskey fruit tart combines the rich heritage of Highland baking with classic British pastry-making techniques. A sophisticated twist on beloved British desserts, this tart transforms … [Read more...] about Traditional Scottish Whiskey Fruit Tart: A Festive Highland Dessert
Pretty Little Empire Cookies
An empire biscuit is one of the many Scottish desserts popular across the United Kingdom. Formally known as the German biscuit, the dessert is two cookies wrapped around a layer of jam or cream that binds the cookies together to form one solid treat. Traditionally, the biscuit … [Read more...] about Pretty Little Empire Cookies
Indulgent Chocolate Dipped Stuffed Dates
Sometimes the most impressive-looking and yet delicious snacks can be the easiest to make. These stuffed and chocolate-dipped dates are great energy boosters and make lovely food gifts at Christmas and throughout the year. Dates are considered the oldest cultivated fruit in … [Read more...] about Indulgent Chocolate Dipped Stuffed Dates
The Classic American Sugar Cookie
There is nothing like a good sugar cookie recipe. The little white dress of the baking world, you can dress it up for any holiday, every occasion. This great recipe comes from NYTimes Cooking. History of Sugar Cookies in America Sugar cookies are a treat to bake, share and … [Read more...] about The Classic American Sugar Cookie