Eve's Pudding, also known as "Mother Eve's pudding" is a traditional British pudding. Named after the biblical Eve it uses apples, the forbidden fruit, as the base. The first known recipe is from 1824. This is a very simple traditional apple recipe, comforting in the … [Read more...] about Traditional and Comforting Eve’s Pudding
Filling and Delicious Heart-Healthy Pumpkin Waffles
This is a variation of my low-fat waffle recipe for those with heart issues. Very filling with satisfying pumpkin spice flavour. Low Fat Pumpkin Waffles This a variation of my low fat waffle recipe for those with heart issues. Very filling with satisfying pumpkin … [Read more...] about Filling and Delicious Heart-Healthy Pumpkin Waffles
Quick and Delicious Pickled Radishes
Radishes are one of the first crops to mature in your garden, and when the conditions are right you may have to deal with a bumper crop that you need to use or lose. Pickling the radishes is a quick and great way to enjoy this colourful vegetable and convert those who aren't … [Read more...] about Quick and Delicious Pickled Radishes
Queen Elizabeth’s Favourite Chocolate Cake
Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her official birthday on April 21st, and while her birthday plans were private, we do know is that her favourite chocolate birthday cake was most likely be on the afternoon tea menu. Just like most of us, the Royals have a family birthday cake … [Read more...] about Queen Elizabeth’s Favourite Chocolate Cake
Easy and Cheap Saucy Chicken Thigh Weeknight Dinner
We are all looking for ways to stretch our food budget and yet still enjoy a delicious meal with minimal effort. This recipe for a one-pan saucy chicken thigh meal comes from Cook's Kitchen. This weeknight meal is super easy to make, placing bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs … [Read more...] about Easy and Cheap Saucy Chicken Thigh Weeknight Dinner